Superior Sex Practices can be a tool for preventing illness while serving as an anti-aging tonic.
1. Withholding ejaculation to release endorphins- the “feel good” hormones
Endorphins are opiate like brain chemicals that diminish pain and generate feelings of well being. When ejaculation occurs before these endorphins have had a chance to be transmuted throughout the whole entire body a man will rip deprive himself off from its of their wonderful pleasure and health benefits. When that happens a man usually feels tired and depleted after ejaculating. coming. In some extreme cases he may even feel depressed for hours, or even for days afterwards. at a time. This condition is known as post coital syndrome.
The time that it takes before the sexual hormones get transformed while flooding the body with their rejuvenating properties may vary. Health and fitness level, age, lifestyle, and whether ejaculation happens occurs through masturbation or sexual intercourse will play a definite part for in the way that this alchemy to will take place. As a start beginning to assist in withholding delaying ejaculation, practice deep abdominal breathing, preferably thorough the nose. Deep abdominal breathing will help release unnecessary tensions which causing cause energy stagnation, while also helping to relax into the build up of arousal. Get Aroused Arouse- Stop – Relax – Breathe Deep -Squeeze ( the whole pelvic floor) – Release and Start Begin again.
2. Massaging the prostate to increase potency and produce more powerful orgasms
Prostate diseases are epidemic. The majority of men will develop an enlarged prostate (BPH/ Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) within their lifetime. Sometime leading to cancer. Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer on in males. Prostate disorders may lead to impotence, reduced ability to gain and hold erections, weak ejaculations and poor sexual performances. performance.
The prostate which is responsible for ejaculation. Premature ejaculation usually indicates a weakness of the prostate. Could Can this be avoided?
Ancient Chinese medicine practitioners would recommend direct stimulation of the prostate on a regular basis in order to keep the prostate healthy. It was recommended not only to improve the health of the prostate but also to increase potency and to produce more powerful orgasms. Specifically designed Prostate Self Massagers Tools are now available on the market to help facilitate your practice. Whether you do the massage on yourself or you enjoy receiving this massage from a professional erotic massage practitioner or a dedicated skillful lover, make sure you take your time, breathe deeply, relax, and use lots of lubricant!
Sexual Educator and international Sacred Sex Teacher Maryse Cote has helped thousands of individuals and couples over the past 20 years to enhance with enhancing awareness on of the union of Sexuality and Spirituality, of Love and Sex and Intimacy and Relationships. Through her school, Ishtara Seminars, she offers certification training in Tantra & Sexual Healing.
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