A Tantric Retreat for Women

Awakening the Goddess within is all about connecting with our inner source of joy and

My intention is to provide a safe and sacred space for transformation where women can
discover and celebrate their sacred erotic power.

The retreat is intended to promote the:

  • Healing of negative body image and self esteem which often hinders our capacity for
    conscious intimate relating
  • Opening of our hearts to the nurturing and healing available when gathered in the spirit of sisterhood
  • Taking of ownership of our orgasmic power
  • Reconciling sexuality with spirituality

The retreat will offer the participant an exposure to the 4 aspects of my work: 1) Ritual,
2) Tantric and Taoist Practices, 3) Healing and 4) Communication

The content of the retreat includes:

Invocation, Sharing in a Sacred Circle, Movement ( Dancing or Psycho-sexual energizers), Sharing our sexual history and other healing processes, learning the Multi-Orgasm Lover Training (from Maryse’s new e-book) and Celebration Rituals.

Writing our sexual history is always a powerful way for us women to reclaim our voices around our sexuality. The assignment will be given at the beginning of the retreat. There will be some time given in class as well as personal time allowed to complete the assignment over the first few days.

Sacred Circles sharing is based in native traditional circle using my feminine version of a talking stick. A time to check-in and speak our truth. A time to listen and receive the healing power of the circle.

The Multi-Orgasm Lover Training including Jade Fountain Massage, Breast Massage for hormonal balance and self nurturing, the Full Body Orgasm Practice and other powerful Tantric and Taoist practices to help fully circulate sexual energy while opening to our full orgasmic potential.

The last day is meant as a celebration including an Erotic Dancing Ritual and a Tantric Feast. This is a very special event when we dress up and celebrate in a ritualistic way.

Note: Participants will be given the Awakening the Goddess Within instruction manual at the start of the retreat.

Imagine …

Victoria BC


A safe and serene environment in an amazing tropical surrounding

A place to relax, to be nurtured and reconnect with yourself

A circle of women to share from the heart, heal, play and celebrate

In this powerful healing retreat you will learn to:

  • Channel orgasmic energy into your physical, emotional and spiritual life
  • Heal negative body image issues getting in the way of a more fully satisfying sexual experience
  • Release self limiting beliefs around aging & menopause and embrace your innate sexiness
  • Connect sexuality with spirituality and experience ecstasy
  • Enhance your desire and ability to enjoy sex
  • Heal past sexual experiences and relationships
  • Receive the gift of sisterhood
  • Reframe your understanding of female sexuality, aging and menopause regardless of your sexual orientation
  • Cultivate female sexual energy for health, rejuvenation and longevity

In a safe and supportive environment this retreat is about learning to honor ourselves from the core and to cultivate self love independently of our size, shape, relationship status, race, age and sexual orientation.

Sacredness in connection to sexuality is still taboo for most people in a culture which tragically dishonors the feminine. Awakening the Goddess Within is nothing less than a rite of passage into sacred feminine sexuality. The absence of a rite of puberty has often resulted in confusion, disempowerment, pain and unnecessary suffering about our natural sexuality. This retreat is about reclaiming love, pleasure, sexuality and the sacred.

My passion for this work keeps taking me deeper into the mysteries of the feminine. When women gather together in sacred space sharing their intentions miracles happen.

My calling is to help women understand their sexuality and its intimate connection to spirituality by addressing the need for self respect and self esteem.

Wild Women Womb Wisdom, originally called Sacred Journey into Women’s Sexuality, will celebrate its 30th yearn 2018. Throughout this time, women from all ways of life and all ages have experienced profound transformation, healing, celebration in the spirit of sisterhood: a true awakening of their shakti, their powerful authentic female sexual energy.

No explicit sexual activity.
Not meant as a substitute for therapy.


How has Awakening the Goddess Within affected you so far?

“I feel much more free in expressing my sexuality to others/to anyone. I feel strong in knowing and expressing what it is that I want in an intimate partnership and as far as nurturing my sexuality/my soul”.

“I feel more connected to my femininity and am finding my own ways to express it. I feel more comfortable and confident around men/masculine energy and more embracing of such. Overall, I feel more strong, confident, empowered, vocal, expressive, and genuine”.

“The retreat has freed me in body mind and spirit, allowing me to begin a deep healing process. I have been able to more fully accept and love my body and my sexuality as a woman, without shame”.

“I am very grateful for the Deer exercise which has regulated my hormones to the extent that this daily practice has reduced my hot flashes to 10 percent of what I had been experiencing in just 3 months. This has really improved my quality of life and I am deeply grateful for that!”

“I really appreciate your love and passion for your work and how excited you are to share your wisdom with others. You’re very beautiful, very inspiring, and I thank you for facilitating and creating safe space for my journey.”

“Maryse, I am very grateful! I felt very safe in your presence and your humor and approach helped me to relax and get in touch with my own playfulness. You bring so much wisdom and experience and I felt you were very generous with the sharing of you knowledge.”